• A Surprisingly Bright Superbubble

    Updated: 2012-08-30 06:00:00
    A superbubble in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a small satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, located about 160,000 light years from Earth.

  • NCBI ROFL: The fluid mechanics of coffee rings. | Discoblog

    Updated: 2012-08-30 00:00:46
    : . Subscribe Today Renew Give a Gift Archives Customer Service Facebook Twitter Newsletter SEARCH Health Medicine Mind Brain Technology Space Human Origins Living World Environment Physics Math Video Photos Podcast RSS NCBI ROFL : Curvy vs . straight which glass ups your drinking rate NCBI ROFL : Why you overspend on . Ebay NCBI ROFL : The fluid mechanics of coffee . rings Formation of coffee stains on porous . surfaces During the drying of drops of nanoparticle suspensions , segregation can occur by internal fluid flows toward the contact line , if the contact line is pinned . This leads to a characteristic ring deposit or coffee stain . On solid substrates coffee staining can be eliminated through the use of solvent mixtures that promote Marangoni flows to oppose these drying-induced .

  • arXiv Find: Reasons Not to Believe in the String Theory Landscape | Cosmic Variance

    Updated: 2012-08-29 19:32:14
    Tom Banks has long been skeptical of the popular picture of the string theory landscape — the idea that there is some extremely large (10500 or more) number of phases of string theory, representing different ways to compactify the extra dimensions, and that all these phases are dynamically connected to each other, possibly by cosmological [...]

  • More Galaxy Zoo News from China

    Updated: 2012-08-27 09:39:59
    Posting again for Karen Masters who is still in China: Galaxy Zoo and Karen’s lecture get covered in the Chinese press.

  • Galaxy Merger Gallery

    Updated: 2012-08-21 11:30:39
    I’m Joel Miller, I’m just about to start year 13 at The Marlborough School, Woodstock, and I am here at Oxford University working on mergers from the Galaxy Zoo Hubble data as part of my Nuffield Science Bursary. I have/will be looking at the data and plotting graphs to see how the fraction of galaxies [...]

  • An anniversary Voorwerpje

    Updated: 2012-08-16 14:24:16
    Following on the heels of the 5th anniversary of Galaxy Zoo itself, this week marks five years since Hanny pointed out the Voorwerp. To help celebrate the occasion, we have new Hubble data on another of its smallar relatives. This time the telescope pointed toward SDSS J151004.01+074037.1 (SDSS 1510 for short). This has a type [...]

  • Phoenix Cluster Sets Record Pace at Forming Stars

    Updated: 2012-08-15 06:00:00
    The Phoenix Cluster is an extraordinary galaxy cluster that is breaking several important astronomical records.

  • Galaxy Zoo on the Naked Astronomy Podcast

    Updated: 2012-08-15 01:00:39
    The July 2012 of the Naked Astronomy podcast includes an interview I did with them (at the UK National Astronomy meeting this spring) about Galaxy Zoo and why it’s such a great way of learning about galaxies in the universe. Listen online here.

  • Akeno Giant Air Shower Array Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

    Updated: 2012-08-05 20:22:02
    , Akeno Giant Air Shower Array From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia Jump to : navigation search The Akeno Giant Air Shower Array AGASA is a very large surface array designed to study the origin of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays It covers an area of 100 km 2 and consists of 111 surface detectors and 27 muon detectors . Array experiments such as this one are used to detect air shower . particles The array is operated by the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research University of Tokyo at the Akeno Observatory edit Results The results from AGASA were used to calculate the energy spectrum and anisotropy of cosmic rays . The results helped to confirm the existence of ultra-high energy cosmic rays 5 10 19 eV such as the so-called Oh-My-God particle that was observed by the Fly's Eye experiment run by

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